PE/Family Office & IB Exhibitors - WHY Exhibit

Registering as an IB or PEG/Family Office Exhibitor is the most efficient method for private equity groups, family offices and investment banks to schedule and conduct brief one-on-one private meetings within two days in one location!   Early Bird expires 8/9/24 - IBs: $795; PEGs/Family Office: $1,495 (both include 2 attendees); after Early Bird - IBs $995; PEGs/Family Office $1,695


  • Investment Bankers - Both sell-side and buy-side focused investment banks.
  • Private Equity/Family Office - Provider of equity or mezzanine capital who are directly involved in the purchase of equity or junior equity of corporations for their own account, with their own funds as their primary mandate; Corporation or strategic acquirers who acquire companies for their own account; Fundless sponsor who purchases operating companies using third party resources, have at least one operating portfolio company and who exert similar controls to those exercised by a committed capital private equity fund

Register online at

  • Receive a dedicated meeting table for the full conference to schedule dozens of brief meetings all in one location – makes it easy to find you.
  • Brand Awareness - exhibiting firms will be provided with a 6’ x 30” skirted table and are encouraged to bring logoed table cloths, company collateral, gadgets, premium items, raffle items, and PLENTY of business cards.  Signage with your company name will be provided by ACG Florida.  You may also bring a pop-up banner to be set up by your table.
  • Exclusive access to software for scheduling meetings – Exhibiting IBs will have exclusive access to software for scheduling meetings with exhibiting PEGs and other attendees.  Request meetings in advance and veto meeting requests, all through our software.
  • Flexibility to set your own meetings, in addition to the software scheduled meetings, with early access to the conference registration list with contact information.