Virtual Vaults Networking Lunch

manda tech

Event Details


May 27, 2019 11:45 AM - 2 PM CEST

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Dear members and guests of ACG Holland,

Our next networking lunch event “Embracing technology to transform the M&A process” will be held on May 27th 2019 in the Auditorium of the Symphony Offices. It is kindly hosted by Virtual Vaults.

While technology will never replace legal counsel and judgment, it can certainly assist in providing the information necessary to make better business decisions in the M&A process. Legal services firms and in-house legal teams should embrace solutions to improve the management of M&A transactions, decreasing efforts, time, and cost. Ultimately, the proper role of technology in the M&A process is to drive more accurate valuations and to help prevent transaction failure – an outcome everyone can applaud.

Our speaker Vincent Gaemers, Owner of Vin100 and appreciated consultant hired by many large corporates, will talk about AI and the impact of its applications to the M&A process. Previously, Vincent has worked as Managing Partner for the ROOM and developed a strong interest in AI applications, like Machine Learning, to (legal) contracts. Alongside this, over the past couple of years Vincent has become a wine connoisseur and turned his passion into his own business: Vin100. 

Our other speaker Marco van Os, Director at Betabit, will give a presentation about Due Diligence on Software. Before Betabit, Marco worked as Manager Business Analysis and Requirements at Rabobank after years of different roles in the field of software development as a consultant. 


11.45hrs     Arrival and coffee
12.00hrs     Presentations – Vincent Gaemers & Marco van Os
13.00hrs     Networking lunch
14.00hrs     Closing

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards

Boudewijn Niels, President ACG Holland on behalf of the ACG Holland Board

Reinier Huisman, Tijn Bastiaans, Eddy Boorsma, Joris Broeren, Justine van Buttingha Wichers, Luc van Daele, Bas van Helden, Hans van Ierland, Bart Jonkman, Jeroen Kruithof, Ruud Klein, Renée Naber, Frank van Opstal, Peter van Opstal, Angenita Pex, Mark van Rijn, Titus Schurink, Roelof Valkenier, Roelof Vos.

Hosted by: ACG