From the Chair

Angenita Pex

As president of ACG Holland it is my pleasure to present to you our second newsletter. The first was distributed to all members last year, but due to a technical issue, some of you may not have received it. If you are interested, you can read the first newsletter articles via the links below.

Looking back, 2013 was a good year for ACG Holland. We held a total of eight meetings including our first business and golf get-together and our Dutch Drinks networking event at the first ACG Eurogrowth in London. Our membership is growing progressively and we hope to organize some member only events soon.

We expect 2014 to bring a mix of diverse content and events.

So far, we have had two events. In January, Michiel van Veen of KPMG provided an insight into cybercrime and hacking – a topic which I am sure made people think hard about their use of passwords. On 12 March, we held a meeting at Houthoff Buruma on the development of Pre-Pack (stille bewindvoering) and the possibilities and challenges this entails for the respective companies. You can read more on both events at our ACG Holland website.

In April we will come together on 9 April in Amsterdam at HPE Growth Capital. More information on this is available here.

Next to that, we will meet in Las Vegas from 28 April to 1 May for Intergrowth, ACG Global's annual networking event with over 2000 attendees. We have a small group of members attending from Holland and there is naturally always room for more. If it sounds interesting, please feel free to join! Titus can provide you with the code for a discount on the registration fee and more information about the event is available here.

Beyond April there is lots to look forward to including a repeat golf day organised by Eurodev and PPM Oost, and our first networking / wine tasting event. The New York chapter tells us that these are their best attended events. We hope ours will be too.

Another ACG tradition is that member's themselves organise events. If you are interested in organising a meeting, or have a particular topic that you would like to present, please contact one of our board members. All ideas are welcome.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that Justine van Buttingha Wichers has become our chapter executive. Justine will, together with the board members, assist us in further professionalizing the day-to-day activities of ACG Holland.

Angenita Pex

President ACG