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Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship of ACG Kansas City provides a high level of exposure to corporate growth professionals including chapter members, guests at monthly breakfast meetings and recipients of chapter mailings.
Annual Sponsorship $2,500
One free annual ACG membership
Two free corporate guest registrations at each monthly meeting
Logo recognition on a scrolling PowerPoint at each meeting
Logo recognition on ACG Kansas City website and meeting notices
Invitation for one representative to attend one Corporate Development Peer Group meeting
Exclusive Breakfast Meeting Sponsorship $1,000
For an additional contribution sponsors receive the annual sponsorship benefits, plus:
Exclusive meeting sponsor
Seat at the President’s table with the speaker and two corporate guests
Opportunity to introduce speaker at the meeting
Recognition from podium as exclusive sponsor
Opportunity to place materials at tables and/or “takeaways” at the door and provide door prize
Recognition on the ACG Kansas City website and in meeting notices
Note:You must be an annual sponsor to be an exclusive meeting sponsor.
Annual Golf Tournament
The Annual Golf Tournament is held at the end of August. Sponsorship typically includes a foursome team, recognition in promotional materials, signage at the event and an opportunity to provide items for the gift bag.
Member’s Holiday Cocktail Reception
Sponsorship of the Member’s Holiday Cocktail Reception gives you the opportunity to host the event at your office, invite multiple attendees from your company and have recognition as the exclusive event sponsor on the ACG Kansas City website, in mailings and at the event. You will also provide the food and beverage for the event.
Event Sponsorship
Additional sponsorships will be available for the ACG Capital Connection, wine tasting and other social or educational programs (workshops, cocktail receptions, evening programs, etc.). These will be for an additional contribution, to be determined by the event committee.
Corporate Sponsorship $1,500
Corporate sponsorships are available to entities that are not engaged in banking or professional services (e.g., law, accounting, consulting, investment banking, insurance). Corporate sponsorships include, for example, private equity and venture capital groups.
Two memberships to ACG Kansas City ($1,100 value)
Four representatives may attend each event
Logo recognition on a scrolling PowerPoint at each meeting
Logo recognition on ACG Kansas City website
Invitation to attend Corporate Peer Group meeting
Opportunity to be an Exclusive Breakfast Meeting Sponsor
Opportunity to sponsor other events
Opportunity to provide newsletter content
Contact Kasey Strahm at to become a sponsor today!