Event Details
The M&A market has taken steps toward recovery, but it faces a long and winding road before it will fully hit its stride in the post-COVID-19 world. On an announced-deal value basis, U.S. M&A was down 90.3% year over year in the second quarter. Since then, some companies have inked mega-deals greater than $10B raising some hope for increased activity.
Also, investment banks are noticing an uptick in deal interest, but many executives have yet to pull the trigger because of the evolving pandemic and economic uncertainty ahead. As countries come out of lockdown, what M&A trends will develop in the coming months? What will a return to ‘normal’ deal flows and valuations look like?
Join S&P Global Market Intelligence experts for perspectives on the changing M&A landscape, data insights from our deep transactions coverage, views from the challenged banking sector and areas of opportunities in the technology space.
By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
Understand current trends and perspectives on the future M&A landscape
Utilize data insights to make informed M&A decisions
Identify opportunities and challenges across sectors, including Banking and Technology
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the webinar.