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Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft Outlook users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your newsletters are always delivered to your inbox.
Outlook 2003:
From the Tools menu, select Options
Click the Junk E-Mail button
Click the Safe Senders tab
Click the Add button
Enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com in the text box provided
Click OK
Outlook 2007:
From the Actions menu, select Junk Email
Click the Junk E-Mail Options
Click the Safe Senders tab
Click the Add button
Enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com in the text box provided
Click OK
*For more help, see the Outlook help site.
Login to http://mail.aol.com/
Click on Contacts on the left-side navigation menu
Click on New on the top navigation bar, then New Contact
Enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com
Click Save at top
*For more help, see the AOL help site.
Comcast users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your newsletters are always delivered to your inbox.
Login to http://www.comcast.net/qry/goto?app=mail
Click on Address Book link in the left-side menu
Click Add Contact at the top of your Address Book
Enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com
Click Add
*For more help, see the Comcast help site.
Cox.net users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your newsletters are always delivered to your inbox.
Login to http://webmail.cox.net/
Go to the WebMail Inbox window.
Click Addresses
Under Addresses: All, click New Contact.
For Display Name, enter ACG Orlando
For E-mail, enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com
Click OK
*For more help, see the Cox.net help site.
Earthlink users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your newsletters are always delivered to your inbox.
Login to http://webmail.earthlink.net/
Click on the Address Book link
Click the Add button. For E-mail, enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com
Click the Save button at the bottom of your screen
*For more help, see the Earthlink help site.
Gmail users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your newsletters are always delivered to your inbox.
Login to http://www.gmail.com/
Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page
Click Create Contact For E-mail, enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com
Click Save
*For more help, see the Gmail help site.
Hotmail and MSN Users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your newsletters are always delivered to your inbox.
Login to your Hotmail or MSN account
Click Options
On the left side of the page, click Mail, and then click Junk E-Mail Protection
Click Safe List
Enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com in the field provided
Click Add
*For more help, see the Hotmail/MSN help site.
- Yahoo Users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your newsletters are always delivered to your inbox.
For the older-style Yahoo mail, follow these directions:
Login to http://mail.yahoo.com/
Click the Addresses tab
In the Quick Add Contact section at bottom enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com
Click the Add button
And for the new Yahoo mail, try this:
Login to http://mail.yahoo.com/
Click on Contacts in left-side menu
Click Add Contact at top enter acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com
Click the Save button at top-right
- If you ever find an ACG Orlando e-mail in your Yahoo Bulk mail folder, open it and click the Not Spam button.
Other Programs/Providers: If you are subscribed to ACG Orlando, but are not receiving the e-mails, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or company is blocking them, perhaps because they think ACG Orlando is junk mail.
What you can do to fix this:
Get in touch with technical support at your ISP or company and explain the problem. If they are blocking e-mail from ACG Orlando, ask them to stop. One way they can do this is to place the following on an e-mail "safe list":
Some web-based e-mail systems allow you to set your own safe list. Look for it in the settings section and add acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com. Some e-mail systems, such as AOL 8.0, require a sender to be in your address book to keep the e-mail from diverted to a junk mail folder. If your system is like this add acgorlando@acg.org and allison@acgorlando.ccsend.com to your address book.
ACG's DealMAX® is the middle market's can’t-miss M&A event. Join 3,000+ dealmakers on April 7-9 for one-on-one meetings, networking, industry insights, fun and more.