Membership & Tools

Your Local Community with Global Reach

Seventy-five percent of ACG members report that they have done business with fellow members. This return on investment has made ACG the most trusted and respected resource for middle-market dealmakers and business leaders who vest in growth and build companies. Join ACG Orlando today and gain immediate access to your local community with global reach!



The Entire M&A Deal Ecosystem

Access over 1,200 events

  • Member-exclusive events and programming - Collaborate with other members and benefit from expert panels and industry insights. Some events are just for fun!

  • ACG members may attend events hosted by their local chapter, other regional chapters, or ACG Global (such as DealMAX).

  • Enjoy member-only discounts for all ACG-hosted events

Middle Market Trends & Thought Leadership

  • Middle Market Growth® Magazine: Keep up to date on news, trends, best practices and thought leadership in the middle market
  • Middle Market Insights Webinars - Relevant knowledge-shares from thought leaders
  • GrowthTV – Videos that cover trends and breaking news, highlight noteworthy deals, and have in-depth conversations with top Middle Market professionals