Membership & Tools

ACG Kentucky Deal of the Year

Membership in ACG Kentucky provides professionals a wide range of opportunities to get involved with professionals in the deal community. For a yearly investment of $300, Kentucky chapter members receive: 

  • Covered Admission to monthly events -  a $240 savings over non-member costs

  • Discounted Admission to Intergrowth & Eurogrowth - a savings of over $500

  • Discounted Admission to Mid-South Capital Connection -  savings of $100 or more 

  • First opportunity to play in ACG Kentucky's annual golf outing 

  • Participation in Deal of the Year, Holiday Party and other special events 

Contact the administrator for more information and the opportunity to attend an upcoming meeting as our guest.

The Entire M&A Deal Ecosystem

Access over 1,200 events

  • Member-exclusive events and programming - Collaborate with other members and benefit from expert panels and industry insights. Some events are just for fun!

  • ACG members may attend events hosted by their local chapter, other regional chapters, or ACG Global (such as DealMAX).

  • Enjoy member-only discounts for all ACG-hosted events

Middle Market Trends & Thought Leadership

  • Middle Market Growth® Magazine: Keep up to date on news, trends, best practices and thought leadership in the middle market
  • Middle Market Insights Webinars - Relevant knowledge-shares from thought leaders
  • GrowthTV – Videos that cover trends and breaking news, highlight noteworthy deals, and have in-depth conversations with top Middle Market professionals